Pie chart showing parcels that are over and undercharged
The city assumes on average there are 3.37 people living in single family residents and 2.75 people living in multifamily parcels and 1.9 pph in mobile homes. If there are less people living in these units then they are overcharged. The city also assumes that the single family parcels and mobile homes are using 65 gallons every day, 365 days a year. Multifamily units are using only 60 gallons a day for every day of the year. This means that all homes that have 4 or more people are undercharged for the sewage and all parcels that have only 1 person living in them are overcharged. Single family parcels that have less then 3.37 people living on the parcel then their overcharged also. All the residential units are added up to determine the total number of gallons used by the following:single family
3.37 pph * 65 gallons a day *365 days a year * 12264 parcels = 980,546,658 gallons/ year.
3.37 pph * 65 gallons a day * 60 days a year * 6797 parcels = 287,193,515 gallons/year
mobile home
3.37 pph * 65 gallons a day * 60 days a year * 570 parcel = 25,694,175 gallons/year
Total gallons = 1,293,434,148 gallons/year .
The total cost for sewage is $7,369,096.00.
To find the cost per parcel get the gallons per parcel type and divide by the total gallons of all the parcels
Single family
980546658/1,293,434,148 * $7,369,096.00 = $5228373.61.
Divide the total of the single family type by the total number of parcels of that type. Example: $5228373.61/12264 = $455.52 yearly fee and divide yearly fee by 6 to arrive at bimonthly fee. $455.52/6 = $75.92 bimonthly fee.
287,193,515/ 1,293,434,148 * $7,369,096.00 = $1,317,516.40 fee for all parcels of that type. $1,317,516.40 / 6797 parcels = $205.96 yearly fee or $34.33 bimonthly.
Mobile homes
25.694,175/1,293,434,148 * $7,369,096.00 = $146,387.69 fee for all parcels of that type.
$146,387.69 / 570 parcels = $256.82 or $42.80 bimonthly fee.
In order to compare what your actually use you must convert gallons into hundred cubic feet units because that what you fee is charged in. One HCF units is 748 gallons.
Dividing the total gallons of all the units by 748 gallons per HCF units will calculate to 1729190.037 HCF units. If your parcel was charged for what you actually use than your fee would be the toal cost divided by the total hcf units, which is $7,369,096.00/1729190.037 HCF units = $4.26/HCF. Look at your utility bill and there is a bar graph at the bottom. Count the number of HCF units per year and multiply that number by $4.24 and you will know if you're overcharged. To tell the whole story the city of Milpitas is overcharging all multifamily units that has 2 people because the city does not charge according to the numbers for multifamily units but they clam they are. The city is actually charging $51.06 bimonthly or $306.30 per year for multifamily units. The basic point is that if the number of people in your house is 2 or less for multifamily units then your overcharged and if there are less then 4 people in single family units then your overcharged and if any parcel has 4 or more people living in them than they are all undercharged. The must accurate way to charge for sewage is on actual use not on averages, but the city wants to use averages. The city is charging $75.92 for single family and $51.06 and $33.16 for mobile homes. The last comment is that it is violation of Article XIII D section 6 to overcharge for utilities.
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http://www.ci.milpitas.ca.gov/_pdfs/plan_plan_general_chapter7.pdf | ||||||||||||||||