
Monday, July 25, 2016

Ciy of Milpias increases sewage fee above cost of service a violation of proposition 218

Milpitas new utility schedule will charge single family units $90.27  sewage flat rate bimonthly fee.
You may ask what is the city cost to provide this service and what is the cost per HCF for you?
The city cost to provide the sewage service is $6.15/HCF.

Your cost/HCF depends on how may gallons per day your using and how many people are in your parcel.

Let take a simple case. If there is one person per household and that parcel is using 51 gallons a day the total gallons in a bimonthly period is 3,102.5 gallons and that is 4.15 HCF units. One HCF is equal to 748 gallons.  The bimonthly fee is $90.27. The result is  $90.27 divided by 4.15  ( fee/HCF = $90.27/ 4.15) so your charge is $21.76/HCF.  If their are 2 people using 51 gallons a day per person the total gallons would be twice as much so that would be 6,205 gallons or 8.30 HCF your fee is $90.27/8.30 = $10.88/HCF . The result is for two people the cost is $10.88/HCF. I think you get the idea. Any fee/HCF above $6.15 is a violation of proposition 218, which states you cannot charge more then it costs to provide the service, yet the city of Milpitas does this all the time. The more water you use the less it cost/HCF.

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