
Monday, May 9, 2011

Polanski is thrilled about if her utility rates rise $6.00 a day

I am so happy that Althea Polanski is thrilled about if her utility bill would cost her $6 a day or $2190 a year. Would the people that voted for her be thrilled about paying $2,190 a year for utility rates? She supposed to be interested in the citizens that put her in office, not what she likes.

 There were over 520 people that disagree with her and the other four council members.  That is a ratio of 100 to 1 against the tax increase, that we know of.  If the city sent out a ballot to alert the public to send in the ballot to appose the tax increase, then there would have been 8500 people against it. Polanski and the other council members refused to include a ballot with the city notice on increasing utility rates. They do not want the public input on tax matters.

I asked the council to include a ballot but they refused. I even asked about sending a ballot at the senior commission, the community advisory commission and the telecommunications commissions about putting in a ballot.  Every time I got a no answer or ignored. Who are these council members working for?

The game was fixed from the start. If a single family parcel cost is higher companies or multifamily rates then the city is in violation of proposition 218 in section (6) b 3. I showed the city that the multifamily had the same number of people as single-family rates. The data I got was from the city own records on housing development and planning.

They take the part of prop 218 they like, the part that marginalizes the people right to vote and forget about the rest. That is illegal. Proposition 218 section 6 comes with the complete language take it or leave it. The charts in the tax increase notice sent out to the parcel owners shows that Milpitas sewer charges are the highest in Santa Clara County. The council members do not want to be confused with the facts. They only care about passing the utility tax. Our city council is for tax and spending. In the next city election in 2012 let’s get ride of two of them.