
Wednesday, August 24, 2016

initiative on water rates for ballot canceled by Milpitas city council

Counter claims on initiative
Milpitas City Attorney Christopher Diaz told the council members that in his opinion the water rate initiative was illegal and the city could be sued if the initiative went into effect. Mr. Diaz is the new attorney and has limited knowledge of the history of Milpitas violations of proposition 218. This are the facts about in the water rate proposition with tired rates.
Attorney made a big deal about the lowest tier not covering the cost to purchase water which means that tier 1 would be subsidized by other tiers:
There are two subsidizes that the city is using now.
  1. The city is forcing the residents that do not receive irrigation water to subsidize the parcels that do receive irrigation water by transferring the $10 million dollars for the construction of three wells on the residents that are not going to receive irrigation water.
2. Regarding the sewage rate fees, the residents that are below the average on people per household and/or average gallons per day are subsidizing the residents that are above the average people per household or water consumed. This means a resident could be paying as much as $90/HCF for sewage. If the resident is using 10 HCF with the flat rate fee of $90 dollars the cost is $9.00/HCF above the city cost of $6.15. This is a definite violation prop 218 and is ignored by the attorney and all city council members.
Attorney claimed the initiative could be illegal because the initiative did not provide the basis for how the rates were determined:
The city has not provide the bases for how its fees were determined in the written notices sent to the public for any utility service for that last 16 years. I have always asked the city to do so but get ignored all the time. The city did not disclose the existence of a bond, the cost of the bond or how the $1.30 potable service charge was calculated as required by proposition 218.
The Attorney claimed that there was not a public hearing on the rates.
The city discussed the initiative at 3 public meetings the last meeting was Aug 2. I was limited to 3 minutes but city attorney and employees could discuss the issue without any time limit and I was not allowed to present by spreadsheet on the viewer so the public could see my calculations on revenue received by the city. I showed a profit of $1.5 million over the city’s plan using the $4.75 cost for water.
Attorney claimed that city would have to sue the proponents and city clerk: On what grounds could the city sue? Obtaining an initiative is not against the law, and the city’s attorney even participated in the initiative. The initiative is a right of the public and allowed in California election code. All election codes was followed, there is nothing illegal about the petition’s rate structure. The city used the sue ploy to get the council members to vote against the initiative from going on the ballot in November and it worked.
The city of San Juan Capistrano was charging more money than needed to provide the infrastructure a violation of prop 218. Prop 218 states that you cannot overcharge for the service. There is nothing about undercharging. The city can use general fund money if necessary to provide infrastructure. The city is taking $2.4 million out of the water fund for services to go into the general fund. The city can use general fund money if needed to provide more of the infrastructure. The general fund is paying the city’s water costs so it perfectly legal to use general fund money for the water infrastructure to fix the leaking pipe problem instead of passing on the $2.4 million dollar cost of lost potable water on the water fees.
If leaking pipe losses was paid for from the general fun, the city would take the problem seriously and would be a high priority to fix the leaking pipes, but would rather spend resident’s money on wells which saves the general fund money instead. The Urban water management reports lost due to leaking pipes today is 374 thousand HCF units and in 4 years it will be 485 thousand units a 30% increase that will be passed on to the residents. Today about 750,000 gallons of water is lost each day. See report at
The city’s water plan was designed to transfer as much costs to the residents as possible and reduce the city’s costs in the process. So the residents are subsidizing the city and all parcels that use irrigation water when the city and other parcel owners could pay for their own irrigation water, but city chose not to do so and violated election code by not allowing the ballot to be voted on by the public. The city should obey proposition 218 themselves and stop the double standards. 
Mayor candidates Carmen Montano and Debbie Giordano voted for you to subsidizing others for irrigation water and both are running for the Mayor position. Both are ignoring city’s violations of proposition 218.
The city’s claims against the initiative were baseless, but worked in stopping the initiative from going on the November ballot. 
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