
Monday, December 28, 2015

Presentation Censord

I asked the city of Milpitas to show my slides on the violations of state laws when the issue of new water rates were to be voted on by the city council on Dec 15, 2015. I was denied my right to present my slides. The slides show all the violations of California constitution article XIIID section 6 which deals with utility rates.

The first slide is for the proposed new water fee increase and the city non discloser of the basis for the fee increases . The second slide is for sewage overcharges.

The city did not disclose the ground water project and it will not be available to all parcels but the city is charging all parcels for this project. The stated violation is the following.

 (4) No fee or charge may be imposed for a service unless that service is actually used by, or immediately available to, the owner of the property in question.

 Regards, Robert Marini

Questions send email to

Thursday, October 15, 2015

In the new utilty notice, Milpitas is issuing a $25.54 Millon bond and $42 Million in capital improvment expenses.

Another increase in utility fees coming in January and July 2016. Milpitas council already approved a utility fee increase on August 4, raising the water fee from $2.62 to $3.62 even though council members were aware that the city was going to hire a consultant to evaluate the water fees. On Oct 6 Milpitas approved a new utility notice. In August I asked why you’re approving a fee increase when you’re going to reevaluate the fees with the consultant. I got no answer as usual. The new notice will not disclose the city new bond purchase.   

Bartle Wells Associates was hired at a cost of $60,000 because of the San Jan Capistrano court case. The Capistrano residents were overcharged for water and sued the city and won the case.  The consultant advised city of Milpitas to increase the water fees even more by doubling the Capital Improve budget from $22 million to $42 million and take out a $25.54 million dollar bond for financing more projects. The city council members liked the idea so we are going to get a new notice for utility fees in November. The council members never want to miss an opportunity to raise your fees/ taxes. The city just wasted $10,000 for mailing out the last notice. The cost for the $25.54 million dollar bond at 4.25% interest is $1,522,139 every year for next 30 years, which is $45,664,170 to repay the bond with interest. This is not disclosed in your new water utility notice.  Starting in January your water fee will be $4.75 for all parcels, except Ed Leven Park at $3.75, followed in July with $5.13 but that still not enough to pay for bond and capital improvements projects (CIP) so additional charge of $1.30 called “portable capital surcharge” will be added to your July utility water bill, for a total of $6.43 an increase of 145.42% or 2.45 times the current fee.  Your water bill will increase by 8% every following year.  Bond and CIP charges make Milpitas the highest paying water utility bill in Santa Clara County.  Milpitas already has the highest sewer charges in Santa Clara County.  The city  CIP includes supply augmentation (digging for wells) cost $10 million at Dempsey RW $4.5 M, Yosemite RW 3.3 M and Landess RW 2.2 Million and Curiis well 3.3 Million in additional to the $1.3 million already spent for this well. The city thinks it can drill it way out of the water crises. Apparently the city never head about subsidence, which is when you pump water out of the ground and the ground sinks. Annually the city take out $2.61 million out of the water fund to put in the general fund for administration costs reimbursement and will  increasing that amount at 4% every year and of course there are additional personal services that costs of $2.7 million.  I looks like the city has add an new source of revenue for he general fund. These fund are supposed to be separate.  Is the city is pilfering the water fund?  The planning commission approved another 1,069 on Oct 28. The city has already approved over 2,000 this year but that not enough for the city. We have a water shortage but The city wants more more revenue by increasing the number of parcels. It your job to conserve water not the city's job. Anyone want to drink recycled tolite water? Sorry that comming soon.

Next year vote out of office the council members like Carmon Montana that rubber stamp any fee increase to the public and be thankful that Jose Estevez and Giordano are termed out of office. If you have any questions talk to your city council members or email me .  For more detailed information on new water charges check out the web address at
Next year vote for new council members such as myself to prevent you from being overcharged for services. Your new notice will be coming in your mail so please send in your protest letter and let the council member know you’re not happy with the new charges by indicating the following in your letter:

 Date  _____________________
I protest the proposed fee increase for utilities.
Name             _____________________________
Address or parcel id   _____________________________

Signature           _____________________________


Tuesday, July 21, 2015

firing the city attorney of Milpitas

Reason why the city should fire the city attorney of Milpitas

The basic duty for a city attorney is to advise the city Council and Manager when the city is in violation of state laws. The city has violated many state laws and has gotten away with it.
The following are violations of California Constitution Article XIII D section 6

1. The city must disclose the basis for how the utility fees are calculated in the written notice sent to the parcel holders, when the city increases a utility fee. The city has not disclosed this information in the written notice sent to the public. The most resent notice does not provide enough information on the water, sewage and meter fixed fee. The city only disclosed the cost of the water and sewage fee. For the water fee the city did not disclose how many millions of gallons of water to distributed  the costs, to arrive at a fee.

The  parameters needed for the sewage charge are the average number of people per household, gallons per day, and the quantity of parcels. Only the cost to the city was disclosed.
The city did not disclose the costs for “meter fixed fee” which is a fee that depends on the size of the pipe connecting to the parcel.   The city just increases the this fee an arbitrary amount every year.
2. The city has collected more money than necessary to pay the sewage fee in 2011, when the city had a reserve fund of $8 Million dollars. The city has a formula for some fee but will not disclose this in the written notices sent to the public or even use the calculated results. see and search for  "Council member Debbie Giordano asked a question"

3. The resident’s parcels are not charged a proportional fee for the sewage service attributable to the parcel, but  business, churches, schools and the city itself  are charged a proportional fee. A proportional fee means that they charged for what they actually use, like your water fee, only non residential parcels are charged a proportional fee. The people in single family parcels are overcharged when there is less then 4 people per parcel. Multifamily parcels aver overcharged when there is only one person per parcel.
Other laws the city has violated:

The city was suited for not disclosing who was at the mayor’s private party at city hall. The city lost $80,000 of the tax payer’s money. In this case the city had violated California public records act. The city sued a private citizen because the sign was too big. The city lost $20,000 for violation of a citizen right of free speech.
There is no penalty when the city is violating state laws , the result is the council members do not care and they are not going to bite the hand that feed them. They work for the city not the public or voters who put them into office.

Will the city start upholding state laws with an outside attorney firm, I doubt it.
If  you like to contact me or comment send email to or

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Send in your protest letter before August

Milpitas sent out a written notice to all parcel owners of the new fees for your utilities and you’re asked to conserve more water by 20%. The problem is if you conserve more water they will raise your water fee even more. The reason is the city distributes their overhead over all the water the city purchases from two sources, which are the SFPUC and SCVWC. The city distributes their cost over fewer gallons so they just raise the fee to cover their overhead. The other problem is that the city is always increasing the number of parcels. Debbie Giordano is a real estate agent so her interest is to provide as many homes as she can to act as an agent for buyer or seller in the future. The more stock available the more profit she can make as an agent. Marsha Grille was provided pack money from real estate agents and the other council members care less about the drought they care more about raising revenue for the city.

 Increasing the number of parcels undermines the goal to conserve more water. For example if 10 parcels conserve 10% of their water usage, then only one new parcel can be built without increasing the amount of water that the city buys form the water agencies and will not increase the demand for water. The city has approved over 1,000 new parcels in the last 6 months, and 500 this month. See Milpitas Post May 8.  This means that it will take 15,000 existing homes to conserve 10% of their water usage without increasing the amount of water the city uses, that over half of all the parcels in Milpitas. That is why the city want you to conserve by 20%. The more water you conserve the more new houses they will build without buying more water from SFPUC and SCVWD. For every 1,000 new households the city needs 54.7 million more gallons per year. The more you conserve the higher your fee.
The result is in 4 years you will be getting recycled toilet water to drink. The city benefits from the additional property tax money on the new parcels. On average the city gets about $1,000 for every new parcel. Eighty percent of the city's revenue is spent in salary and benefits. Half of all the city revenue comes from property tax. This means it in the city interest to increase the number of parcels, conserving water is your problem, the city is going to increase the demand. Council members will even approve drinking recycled sewage water in the near future if that becomes necessary and you will pay $7.00/HCF or more.  (1 HCF = 748 gallons) . The cost to water has doubled in four years from 2011 and will double again in less than 4 years.

What can you to stop the city from increasing the number of parcels?  Send in your protest letter to stop the fee increase so the city gets the message before August, you not going to approve a new fee increase until the city stops increasing the number of parcels and next year do not reelect council members who are approving more housing units. Vote for mayor or council members that will put a moratorium on increasing housing units. The choice is yours.
What should the message say is shown below: Make sure that you put the date,  address  and sign the protest letter.

Name :          John Doe
Address:       1234  Space way
                    Milpitas ca. 95034     

I protest the new utility fee increase.

Signature ___________________________


Send protest letter to:

 Milpitas City clerk
 City of Milpitas
 455 East Calaveras Boulevard
 Milpitas, Ca. 95035
(408) 586-3240

Contact Robert Marini at for comment.